
Qingsong Insurance "QingSong Dr.GPT" opens the era of intelligent health


Recently, the national network information supervision department has published the latest list of domestic deep synthesis service algorithms that have passed the audit in accordance with the relevant deep synthesis service regulations. In this list, a series of algorithm models of QingSong Health have been officially certified, including its "Qingsong Dr.GPT" large-scale AI model for health consultation, as well as several other innovative algorithms such as "Fairy Alpha Grand Model", "Insurance intelligent customer service", "Content assisted generation", and "online intelligent customer service". All of them successfully passed the filing procedures of the National Cyberspace Administration.

Qingsong Dr.GPT, as the self-developed medical health wisdom brain launched by QingSong Health in May 2023, its depth and breadth are called the industry leader. By the end of 2023, Qingsong Healthcare has launched seven cutting-edge applications based on Dr.GPT, comprehensively covering a full range of health management services from intelligent consultation, personalized management to mental health guidance. These applications not only provide insurance users with nuanced health care, but also bring revolutionary improvements to the diagnosis and treatment technology in the medical industry.

In particular, the application of Dr.GPT in clinical research is worth mentioning. Its powerful case recognition AI technology and deep medical knowledge provide medical practitioners with a full range of services from case recognition, structuring to pre-analysis. The introduction of simulated practice environment has made the improvement of medical skills within reach, making doctors' research work efficiency a qualitative leap.

In the field of diagnosis, Dr.GPT has won wide praise for its unique "doctor assisted diagnosis and treatment system". Through the understanding ability and medical knowledge of large models, the system provides patients with accurate diagnosis suggestions, while reducing the doctor's diagnosis and treatment time, improving the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis. This innovative model has been verified in practice, and the adoption rate is as high as 86%, becoming another model in the medical industry.

In addition, QingSong Health has pushed the creation of health science content to a new height. Odin Content intelligent innovation platform not only improves the creation efficiency and quality of popular science content, but also provides a platform for doctors to interact with readers, so that health knowledge is more deeply rooted in people's hearts. Up to now, the platform has assisted doctors to complete hundreds of thousands of health science articles, making great contributions to the popularization of health knowledge.

For the user scenario, the health consultant intelligent application launched by QingSong Health extends the health management service to every family. Through regular health monitoring, medication management and lifestyle adjustment recommendations, users are provided with comprehensive and detailed health care. Today, this application has covered hundreds of thousands of users, and its efficient and convenient service model has won high recognition from users.

In the future, the strong combination of QingSong Health and Huawei Cloud will accelerate the integration and innovation of AI large model and insurance industry, and inject new vitality into the exploration of cloud scenario solutions for health care. We look forward to more surprises and changes from Dr.GPT in the near future.