
"Health + insurance" coordinated efforts, QingSong Health led the big health ecological race


In recent years, with the steady advancement of the "Healthy China" strategy and the continuous improvement of national health awareness, the large health industry has become one of the most topical and potential blue ocean markets, with many subjects racing furiously. Among them, the Internet technology platform, which can efficiently connect various nodes in the industrial chain such as medical, insurance, medicine, and health services, and promote industrial ecological coordination and resource optimization, has also become an indispensable force for the sustainable development of the large health industry because of its unique resource integration ability.

As a science and technology platform for deep cultivation of the health industry in China, over the past ten years, QingSong Health has built a business system covering the whole scene of health security and health services by virtue of its four major sectors: easy funding, easy protection and strict selection, QingSong health and easy public welfare.

Recently, QingSong Health was invited to attend the China International Medical Equipment Expo, 2024 Insurtech Conference and other medical, insurance and health activities, showing its unique "health + insurance" comprehensive coordination model, break through the shackles of health services and insurance products, and provide customers with accessible, warm and intimate health management services at the same time. It can grasp the context of The Times and market demand, and constantly innovate a more comprehensive, comprehensive service pattern that is more in line with the habits and characteristics of Chinese consumers, and become a new sample to promote the high-quality development of the large health industry.

QingSong Health announced the establishment of an insurance data intelligence committee with Huawei Cloud, with customer service, operation management, product design, channel marketing, underwriting and underwriting as the starting point, to accelerate the integration and innovation of AI large model and insurance industry, explore health insurance cloud scenario solutions, and invite more insurance institutions to join and build the industry ecology.

On March 21, the 6th "321 Easily-funded Public Health Festival" jointly held by Easily-funded Group and the Public Welfare Times was successfully held in Beijing. At the scene, the QingSong Health, together with government agencies, public welfare organizations, head media and medical and health enterprises, released public welfare projects covering rural revitalization, healthy China, healthy family construction, health science and other fields, giving full play to the advantages of the technology platform, promoting the industry to a more inclusive, more accurate and more intelligent direction to continue to create more value for customers.

All-round, three-dimensional health care layout, efficient empowerment of users and industries

It can be seen that the traction of policy dividends and the influx of many upstream and downstream enterprises are the key to promote the vigorous development of the health industry in recent years. However, behind this vigorous excitement, different types of subjects in the early stage of the industry, such as insurance companies and health management institutions, are still in a state of separate affairs in some cases, unable to efficiently integrate resources to form a joint force. It is also gradually hindering the healthy development of the big health industry.

Due to its special ecological positioning, the Internet technology platform is the most expected to break the shackles in the big health ecological chain, and QingSong Health is the pioneer in exploring the sustainable development model, relying on its own technology research and development and upstream and downstream resource expansion advantages, on the basis of in-depth insight into the market pain points, innovate and gradually improve the "inspection + medical + medicine + health + insurance" big health ecological closed loop. It breaks the traditional boundary between insurance and health management, and realizes the seamless connection between insurance and health services, which not only enhances customers' ability to cope with health risks, but also effectively promotes the optimization of the overall service level and industrial structure of the industry through the optimization of resource allocation and service efficiency.

In terms of the layout of medical resources, QingSong Health has adopted the strategy of online and offline. In September 2023, the company comprehensively upgraded its Duoer Internet Hospital to comprehensively improve its diagnosis and treatment service capabilities, clinical research capabilities, academic promotion capabilities, patient management and science popularization capabilities with digital enabling, and jointly built a number of Internet medical centers with Yongrenxin Medical, Tianan Biological, Tylomibo, and Wuhan Huake Reproductive Hospital, covering heart failure, orthopedics, cervix, reproductive, and reproductive services. Tetanus and other disciplines, together with China Resources Pharmaceutical Business to build a cloud pharmacy, continue to make efforts in the field of Internet + single disease, and jointly build the strongest single disease online health management link.

At the same time, the QingSong Health also promotes the sinking of high-quality medical resources by strengthening cooperation with grassroots medical institutions, helping to alleviate the current problem of insufficient supply and uneven distribution of high-quality medical resources in the community, and improving the anti-risk ability of grassroots disease prevention and treatment.

QingSong Health jointly released the government medical insurance social cohesion assistance Huimin project Jiangxi Pingxiang pilot, "Ping help" is on the basis of the government's basic medical insurance, relying on QingSong Health technology and platform advantages, for Pingxiang city to create a tailored Huimin project. QingSong Health helped Pingxiang City to establish a precise identification mechanism and help platform for relief targets, establish a multi-party joint relief mechanism, open the "Ping Help · Personal help fundraising green channel", build "Ping Help · Hospital serious disease relief service station", and launch the "Ping Help · Medical Insurance Special Fund for poverty prevention", creating a 1+5 multi-level medical security system and creating a government medical insurance social connection rescue "Pingxiang sample project" to help the people.

"Ping Help" has been successfully promoted under the efforts of Pingxiang Medical Security Bureau of Jiangxi Province, Pingxiang Medical Security Association of Jiangxi Province, and all parties of Easy and easy public welfare, and has achieved remarkable results. The "Ping Help" service entry was added to the official public account of the "Pingxiang Municipal Medical Security Bureau" to register and deal with the needs of patients with difficulties. The Pingxiang Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Red Society and other departments issued the Work Plan for the Construction of the Pingxiang Major Disease Relief Connection Platform (Trial), signed cooperation agreements with three designated medical institutions such as the Second People's Hospital of Pingxiang City, established the "Ping Help" Hospital serious disease relief service station, and served seriously ill patients face to face to further improve the efficiency of relief. It has become an important driving force of Pingxiang multi-level medical security system.

In terms of security and service supply, QingSong Health jointly launched a number of deep integration projects of health management and health insurance with upstream and downstream partners, further deepening the health management layout of the whole life cycle. In September 2023, QingSong Health reached a tripartite cooperation with Eagle Eye and Zhonghui Mutual Insurance, jointly launched the "cardiovascular and cerebrovascular screening insurance" intelligent underwriting innovation product, and added Eagle Eye Technology's health service package for insurance products insurable for chronic disease groups, providing free health screening for policyholders. To assist insurance companies in accurately, efficiently and continuously assessing the health status of their policyholders and insured persons.

In 2023, QingSong Health also jointly launched the strategic cooperation of member system integration with Jingdong Health, jointly launched the joint action of easy eye care with BOE Health, and launched the national intestinal cancer early detection health project in cooperation with Rui Yi Biology.

For customers at the end of the health management chain, QingSong Health also relies on its unique health education scene advantages, ecological chain advantages and health technology advantages, based on health data to build a health management ecosystem covering the entire population, by providing "pre-protection + post-assistance" one-stop health solutions. It can provide customers with health consultation, disease prevention, disease treatment, rehabilitation nursing and other whole process services in a timely and effective manner.

Technological evolution, laying a new height of health services

At the National Two sessions this year, "new quality productivity" has become one of the hot topics. If the integration of different resources in the big health ecology is the core to promote the development of Internet technology platform business, then the continuous advancement and breakthrough at the scientific and technological level is undoubtedly the "new quality productivity" belonging to the Internet technology platform, which is the basis for laying its dominant position. It is the comprehensive empowerment of science and technology for health care services that makes every service launched by such platforms accurate.

QingSong Health is one of the typical cases of the first application of scientific and technological achievements to business development. As early as July 2017, its Easy charity released the "Sunshine Chain" together with six major foundations, using the open, transparent and immutable characteristics of blockchain technology to achieve the "sunshine" management of the donation process and fund flow, effectively solving the trust problem of medical data sharing. It has laid a solid technical foundation for the establishment of a large health ecological closed loop of "examination + medicine + medicine + health + insurance".

With the wide application of large models in various fields, QingSong Health has further explored the frontier of medical science and technology, and its QingSong Health launched the AI health consultant "QingSong Dr.GPT" based on the self-developed medical large model in May last year, and comprehensively upgraded the large model in December of that year, on the basis of providing users with comprehensive health management support. It expands the ability of medical treatment technology to enable, and provides a more efficient and comprehensive perspective for medical decision-making.

At the same time, QingSong Health also released seven applications based on the large model, including "intelligent consultation system", "personalized health management consultant", "chronic disease management plan", "mental health instructor", "medical knowledge base and skills training platform", "auxiliary diagnosis and treatment assistant", and "patient education content intelligent innovation platform". It has achieved comprehensive and full-scene coverage from daily health consultation to complex diagnosis and treatment services to meet the specific needs of different scenarios and user groups, and once again led the process of technological change in the industry.

For example, in terms of diagnostic procedures, "Ask a Doctor Easily Dr.GPT" implements diagnostic inquiries in a step-by-step manner, guiding patients to provide sufficient information to support effective diagnosis, and gradually determining the scope of the disease based on the patient's historical medical records, greatly improving diagnostic accuracy and reducing the risk of misdiagnosis. In terms of treatment and rehabilitation, the model provides personalized treatment plans and rehabilitation suggestions according to the specific conditions of patients, including medication guidance, intelligent follow-up and rehabilitation guidance, to ensure the safety of patients' medication and the effect of treatment and rehabilitation.

Continue to promote the evolution of the concept of big health, so that the service is more in line with The Times and customers

At the beginning of this year, the National Health and Health Commission and other eight departments jointly issued the Notice on Comprehensively carrying out the Construction of Healthy families, fully deploying the construction of healthy families, and building a solid foundation for healthy China with healthy families. It is proposed that the health literacy level of residents should be greatly improved, and the healthy lifestyle should be basically popular. By 2025, the health literacy level of residents across the country should not be less than 25%. By 2030, the health literacy level of all residents should not be less than 30 percent.

In fact, with the improvement of the public's awareness of health management and the acceleration of the aging trend, the family as a unit to carry out the whole life cycle of health management and security has long become a new highland for the development of large health industry. Locking this future blue ocean market in advance, focusing on the health protection and service of the whole life cycle of the customer's family as the strategic layout focus of the present and future certain period of time, is the final choice made by QingSong Health after ten years of deep farming of the ecological chain of health care service.

As early as 2022, Easily-QingSong Health's Easily-Easy Insurance Yan Xuan joined hands with Zhonghui Property Mutual Insurance Society to innovate the "Easily-Easy Insurance Family Selection Day", using insurance technology to optimize product design and create highly cost-effective millions of medical insurance products to meet users' growing diversified needs for family insurance. In addition, the two sides also carried out in-depth cooperation in the field of chronic disease management, and launched the industry's first insurable "Huixiang Esheng Zhonghui Million Medical" product for chronic patients such as "three high" and hepatitis B, which brought valuable insurance protection for special families.

Especially for family customers, one old, one young, and female customers, QingSong Health has launched a series of special services and security projects around the differentiated needs of these specific groups, not only to build a health service model that is closer to the user's reality and more humanistic care, but also through continuous innovation and iteration, to promote the deepening evolution of the concept of great health in the whole society. So that more users can enjoy timely, accurate and intimate health management services at every stage of life.

For elderly customers, QingSong Health and China Aging Cause Development Foundation launched the "Easy Respect for the elderly" project, focusing on the health needs of the elderly, in 2019, the world's first chronic disease management alliance was established, integrating industry resources to provide integrated chronic disease intervention management. Later, it introduced partners such as Dingdang Fast Medicine, iterated the chronic disease management alliance to version 2.0, integrated online and offline resources, and provided a full range of chronic disease management services, including medication reminder and follow-up management.

In this public health ceremony, QingSong Health's QingSong Health also cooperated with Kinsey Pharmaceutical, Qilu Pharmaceutical, Shenwei Pharmaceutical, Tianan Biological, Novo Nordisk and other leading pharmaceutical companies, A number of technology-enabled health projects such as "Easy Growth" Children's healthy growth plan, "Gonggu Life" popular science action, tumor prevention and control project, Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Project, female cervical Health project, "Hot No. 1" Gold Medal health Housekeeper have been released to comprehensively help the implementation of the Healthy China Action.

As Yang Yin, founder, chairman and CEO of QingSong Health, said, enabling science and technology to build a healthy China is a systematic project involving many aspects such as popularizing health knowledge, optimizing health services, improving health security, and developing health public welfare. In the future, with the deep and professional development of the health industry, the arrival of a new era of better, more convenient and more humanized service requires the joint efforts of all market players, and QingSong Health has walked out of a considerable distance by virtue of its advantages in scientific and technological innovation, resource integration and industrial chain coordination.