
The "Children's Action · Same Action" children's care project of Ease Group won the "Annual China Public Welfare Project" award


On March 28, the 8th Annual China Charity Conference, sponsored by the Charity Times, was held in Beijing. With the theme of "Never stop acting with passion", the annual meeting will invite practitioners and observers from responsible enterprises, social organizations and research institutions to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on hot topics and cutting-edge issues in the public welfare industry.

This year's annual charity meeting took stock and commended the annual public welfare figures, enterprises and projects, paid tribute to the institutions that have made special contributions to the development of public welfare undertakings in 2023, and hoped to encourage more people to join the public welfare industry through the form of recognition, and continue to help the public welfare charity. Yang Yin, founder, chairman and CEO of QingSong Health, won the "2023 China Public Welfare Figure "award. QingSong Health also won the "2023 China Public Welfare Enterprise "Award and the "2023 China Public Welfare Project" Award for its outstanding contribution to the practice of corporate social responsibility and the "Action for Children" Child care project.

As a release platform for the promotion and encouragement of China's public welfare undertakings, a communication platform for guidance and guidance, and a practice platform for exploration and innovation, the Public Welfare Times has successfully held seven annual China Public Welfare Conferences since 2016. Standing at a new historical starting point, we are facing a more complex and changeable industry development trend. The 8th Annual China Charity Conference aims to stimulate the passion of public welfare practitioners and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.

When talking about the development of the public welfare industry, Ma Xiaowu, executive vice president of the QingSong Health, introduced the layout and exploration practice of the QingSong Health in the public welfare sector. Since its establishment in 2014, QingSong Health has continuously innovated public welfare effectiveness, gathered public welfare organizations, responsible enterprises, caring stars and other forces for good, promoted "health public welfare" to "health common benefit ", and demonstrated the new mission of public welfare in the context of national health.

The development of public welfare and charity is an important symbol of social civilization and progress. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, public welfare and charitable forces have played a positive role in winning the battle against poverty, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and social welfare undertakings. According to the report, we will guide and support willing and capable enterprises, social organizations and individuals to actively participate in public welfare and philanthropy. The outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan proposes to "give play to the role of the third distribution such as charity" and make specific arrangements.

As an Internet technology enterprise with a high sense of social responsibility, QingSong Health has always closely combined the concept of social responsibility with the development strategy of the enterprise, and practiced corporate social responsibility with actions. As early as 2016, Easy Charity under QingSong Health became the first Internet fundraising information platform for charitable organizations designated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, helping public welfare organizations raise funds for the public and providing comprehensive technical support for public welfare organizations.

Last June 1 Children's Day, QingSong Health launched the "Children's Action · Same action" child care project with China Overseas Chinese Public Welfare Foundation, Mango Public Welfare Foundation and Beijing Micro Love Public Welfare Foundation. The initiator Wu Luyu planned to launch the "Easy and love 'children' line" wish collection platform. A nationwide wish list for sick children will be collected to send them special care during the holiday.

During the activity, QingSong Health went into many hospitals in Hunan, Xinjiang, Qinghai and other places to carry out condolences for sick children, and cooperated with love charity ambassador Mingdao and love enterprise Zulong Entertainment to interact with children in the form of fun garden party in Xiangya Hospital of Central South University and Hunan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and sent holiday wishes to them.

At the same time, QingSong Health also released the "Every Child Matters" children's health rights protection work plan, which defines five goals to protect children's health rights, focusing on medical care, welfare, family, education and other key factors for children's growth, to play an effective role in the healthy growth and all-round development of children. In addition, QingSong Health and Time Weekly released the "Children's Healthy Growth Data Observation" to jointly explore the current situation of children's healthy growth in China, and call for better protection and support for children's healthy growth.

On March 21 this year, the sixth 321 Easy Money Public Health Festival with the theme of "Benefiting Health" was successfully held in Beijing. Together with government agencies, public welfare organizations, head media and medical and health enterprises at the public welfare ceremony, QingSong Health released public welfare projects covering rural revitalization, healthy China, healthy family construction, health science popularization and other fields, and built a public health innovation system guided by the government, driven by the market, dominated by enterprises, and closely integrated with industry, university and research. Scientific and technological innovation to empower the building of a healthy China.

On the road of public welfare, QingSong Health always adheres to the original heart and always maintains passion. Standing at a new historical starting point, QingSong Health is willing to work hand in hand with more public welfare partners, with a more open mind and more innovative thinking, constantly refresh the form of public welfare, expand the boundaries of public welfare, and jointly promote the sustainable and healthy development of public welfare undertakings.